Season 1
Ep 1 Influenza Will Kill You (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 2 Skin in the Game, Horse in the Race (Leprosy) (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 3 Gnarlypox (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 4 The Poop Show (Cholera) (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 5 Plague Part 1: The GMOAT (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 6 Plague Part 2: TGFA (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 7 Hit me with your best (polio) shot (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 8 ABRACADABRA! Go Away Malaria! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 9 Tuberculosis: A Slow Burn (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 10 Yellow Fever: Is there a Hamilton song about this? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 11 Ebola: The New Kid on the Block (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 12 HIV/AIDS: Apathy Will Kill You (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode HIV/AIDS (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 13 Don’t Tread on my Monkshood: Crossover w/ IDoP (PDF) (DOCX)
Season 2
Ep 14 Rabies: Don’t dilute me, bro (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 15 MRSA: Make Resistance Susceptible Again (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 16 Scratch and Sniff Diphtheria Membrane (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 17 Oh No Tetrodo: Crossover w/ TBOSP (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 18 Hantavirus: The Real Rat Race (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 19 Scurvy: Thanks a lot, evolution (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 20 Prions: Apocalypse Cow (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 21 Measles: The Worst Souvenir (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 22 Belladonna will dilate your mind: Crossover w/ IDoP (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 23 Opening a can of Hookworms (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 24 Zika: Rumors and Rumours (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 25 Put your hands together for: Gonorrhea! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 26 Vaccines Part 1: Let’s hear it for Maurice (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 27 Vaccines Part 2: Have you thanked your immune system lately? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 28 H. pylori: Don’t try this at home (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 29 Aspirin the Wonder Drug: Crossover w/ IDoP (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 30 Encephalitis Lethargica: Sleep Perchance to Dream (& Dream & Dream) (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 31 Giardia: Gerardia (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 32 Ask the Erins (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 33 Chytrid: The Silent Forest (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 34 Cystic Fibrosis: Complete Somatic Rebellion (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 35 Lyme Disease: I’d like to check you for ticks (PDF) (DOCX)
Season 3
Ep 36 Shades of Syphilis (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 37 E. coli (unless it’s beets) (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 38 Lead Poisoning: Heavy Metal Episode (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 39 Toxoplasmosis: Calling All Cats (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 40 Dancing Plague: Worst Dance Party Ever (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 41 Ricin: A Bad Seed (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 42 Dandy Dengue Fever (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 43 M-m-m-my Coronaviruses (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 44 Pertussis: Whoop Here It Is (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 45 Hepatitis C: Hepatiti? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 46 Lactose Intolerance: Never trust a fart (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 47 Schistosomiasis: A Snail’s Pace (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 48 Botulism: Why are you the way you are? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 49 Eastern Equine Encephalitis: Triple EEEk! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 50 Antibiotics: We owe it all to chemistry! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 51 The Path of Most (Antibiotic) Resistance (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 52 Rinderpest: Moo Cows, Moo Problems (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 53 Radiation: X-Ray Marks the Spot (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 54 Wake Up and Smell the Caffeine (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 55 Rocky Mountain spotted fever: The tick must be destroyed! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 56 Sickle Cell Disease: Invisible Illness, Enduring Strength (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 57 Herpes: Stop the STIgma (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 58 Guinea Worm: (Almost) Ancient History (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 59 Thalidomide: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 60 Giving birth to “The Pill” (PDF) (DOCX)
Season 4
Ep 61 Typhoid: There’s Something About Mary (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 62 Leishmaniasis, Relationship Status: It’s Complicated (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 63 Poison Ivy: It’s Just Us (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 64 Rubella: Timing is Everything (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 65 Sweating Sickness: Ready, Sweat, Go! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 66 The Outs and Ins of Organ Transplantation (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 67 HPV: My wart be with you (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 68 Coccidioidomycosis: It’s never a spider bite (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 69 Huntington’s Disease: Let’s talk frankly (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 70 Henrietta Lacks: HeLa, There, & Everywhere (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 71 Onchocerciasis/River Blindness: So many mysteries (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 72 White-Nose Syndrome: How deep is your torpor? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 73 Puerperal Fever: Seriously, wash your hands (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 74 Naegleria fowleri: The “brain-eating amoeba” (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 75 Mercury: The cost of progress (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 76 Chickenpox: There’s always a ‘but’ (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 77 Legionnaires’ Disease: A Killer Mist (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 78 Bartonella: Keep Calm and Carrión (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 79 Hemophilia: A Hemorrhagic Disposition (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 80 Dysentery loves a disaster (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 81 Chagas disease: The Reverse Triple Discovery (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 82 Anthrax: The Hardcore Spore (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 83 Diabetes: Short & Sweet (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 84 West Nile virus: The Crow in the Coal Mine (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 85 Alcohol: Beer for Thought (PDF) (DOCX)
Season 5
Ep 86 Typhus: Another lousy episode (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 87 C. diff: Fighting poop with poop (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 88 Endometriosis: Menstrual Backwash (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 89 Hepatitis B: Hepatiti, Take 2 (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Hep B Stigma & Discrimination (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 90 Human African Trypanosomiasis: A lot to unpack (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Human African Trypanosomiasis & Drug Development (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 91 Myxomatosis: Down the rabbit hole (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 92 Multiple Sclerosis: Scarred nerves & skating saints (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Epstein-Barr Virus (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 93 Lightning & Other Stories: Power Hour (and a Half) (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Electricity (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 94 Chlamydia: Double Trouble (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Chlamydia, Koalas, and More! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 95 Tetanus: An inhuman calamity! (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: On the Origin of Epidemiology (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 96 Tapeworm: We encyst that you listen (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Coprolites! (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 97 Snake Venom: Collateral Damage (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Snake Venom Evolution (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 98 Folate: Marmite, anyone? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 99 Salmonella: A hard egg to crack (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 100 Monkeypox: Here we go again? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 101 Immortality: This Podcast Won’t Kill You (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 102 Arsenic: Paris Green with Envy (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 103 Leptospirosis: Don’t blame the rats (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 104 The Bends: Industrial Revolution, baby (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 105 Down in the Mumps (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 106 Turner Syndrome: Let’s talk about X (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 107 Sepsis: It’s a mess (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 108 Gout: Toetally fascinating (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 109 Chikungunya: Not dengue (or is it?) (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 110 Influenza, Take 2: Fowl Play (PDF) (DOCX)
Season 6
Ep 111 RSV: What’s syncytial anyway? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 112 Epilepsy: It’s always the phlegm (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: David Quammen & Breathless (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 113 Vitamin D: The D stands for drama (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Sarah Everts & The Joy of Sweat (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 114 Listeria: It put dairy on the map (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Angela Saini & Superior (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 115 Altitude Sickness: Balloons, though? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 116 It’s never lupus (except this time) (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dr. Kate Clancy & Period (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 117 Bedbugs: Bug-bitten and bedeviled (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Mary Roach & Fuzz (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 118 Asbestos: Corruption and cancer and corporate greed, oh my! (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dr. Steven Thrasher & The Viral Underclass (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 119 Marburg virus: Too fast, too furious (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dr. Andrew Wehrman & The Contagion of Liberty (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 120 Acetaminophen/Paracetamol: Pain. Killer. (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Deborah Blum & The Poison Squad (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 121 Tularemia: Hare today, gone tomorrow (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Ed Yong & An Immense World (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 122 Asthma: A phlegmy episode (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 123 Hand, Foot, and Mouth (and Butt?) Disease (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 124 The full spectrum of color vision deficiency (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 125 Blastomycosis: How fungus became amongus (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 126 Migraine: A Cacophony in Four Movements (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 127 Bhopal: The 1984 Union Carbide Disaster (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 128 Skin Cancer: We love and fear the sun (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 129 Lymphatic Filariasis: Hiding in plain sight (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 130 Cocoliztli: We do love a salty dish (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 131 Parkinson’s Disease: Dopamine & discoveries (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 132 Osteogenesis Imperfecta: All bones about it (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 133 Parvoviruses: Who let the dogs (and their viruses) out? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 134 Tonsils: Underestimated and underappreciated (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 135 Menopause is whatever you want it to be (PDF) (DOCX)
Season 7
Ep 136 Long Covid: A long time coming (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 137 ME/CFS: What’s in a name? (A lot, actually) (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode Dr. Deirdre Cooper Owens & Medical Bondage (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 138 Fever: Take it to the limit (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 139 Supplements: “This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA” (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode Dr. Sara Manning Peskin & A Molecule Away from Madness (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 140 Nipah virus: Of Fruit and Bats (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 141 Maggots: Such noble work (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode Dr. Paul Offit & Tell Me When It’s Over (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 142 Leeches: It’s more powerful than magic, it’s nature (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dr. Noah Whiteman & Most Delicious Poison (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 143 IVF, Part 1: Infertility (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 144 IVF, Part 2: Innovation (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 145 IVF, Part 3: Industry (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dr. Rageshri Dhairyawan & Unheard (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 146 Celiac disease: Rootin tootin gluten (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 147 Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease: Sympathy for the Devil (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Ben Goldfarb & Crossings (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 148 Poison Control Part 1: Who you gonna call? (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 149 Poison Control Part 2: Call me maybe (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Maria Smilios & The Black Angels (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 150 Norovirus: Tip of the poop iceberg (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 151 Stethoscope: Lub dub (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dan Egan & The Devil’s Element (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 152 Hemochromatosis: Ironing out the details (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 153 Alpha-Gal Syndrome: A tick bite gone bad (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dr. Charan Ranganath & Why We Remember (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 154 Ask the Erins (Again!) (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 155 Stiff Person Syndrome: A rare disease in the spotlight (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Kate Zernike & The Exceptions (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 156 Retinoids Part 1: How it started… (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 157 Retinoids Part 2: …how it’s going (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Dr. Emily Monosson & Blight (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 158 Scarlet Fever: You’ve changed (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 159 Scabies: Tiny but Mite-y (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 160 Appendicitis: Don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone? (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Philip Eil & Prescription for Pain (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 161 Allergies Part 1: Pollens, nuts, & bugs (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 162 Allergies Part 2: Shots, pills, & pens (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Robert Alpert, Merle Eisenberg, Lee Mordechai & Diseased Cinema (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 163 Circadian Rhythm: Live from Perth, Australia (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 164 Rift Valley Fever: Ruminating on ruminants (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 165 Fish Tongue Parasite: Parasite Appreciation Hour (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 166 Amanita poisoning: Death Cap-tivating (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 167 Viagra/Sildenafil: Raising the bar (PDF) (DOCX)
Special Episode: Rachel Gross & Vagina Obscura (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 168 Pregnancy: Act 1 (PDF) (DOCX)
Ep 43 M-m-m-my Coronaviruses (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 1: Virology (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 2: Disease (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 3: Control (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 4: Epidemiology (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 5: Vaccines (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 6: Mental Health (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 7: Spillover (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 8: Disparities (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 9: Economics (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 10: Schools (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 11: Modeling (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 12: Control, Take 2 (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 13: Vaccines, Take 2 (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 14: Virology, Take 2 (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 15: Disease, Take 2 (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 16: Disparities, Take 2 (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 17: Frontline Mental Health (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 18: Conservation & Pandemics (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 19: Your Stories (PDF) (DOCX)
COVID-19 Ch 20: Looking forward by looking back (PDF) (DOCX)