Episode 145 IVF, Part 3: Industry

CW: mentions of infertility, pregnancy loss, body-shaming

The third and final installment of our series on IVF surveys the current and potential future landscape of this powerful technology. We first trace the growth of the IVF industry in the US since its inception in the early 1980s up to today before then giving an overview of some of the regulatory and ethical considerations facing this field on a global scale. Alongside these challenges of access and regulation are the incredible innovations that expand how we use IVF today as well as paint a world of possibilities for the future of IVF as we incorporate these revolutionary technologies. Tune in for a conversation about the past, present, and possible future of IVF!

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One thought on “Episode 145 IVF, Part 3: Industry

  1. Listening to these episodes brought up a lot of feelings (three egg retrievals, 7 blastocysts, 4 pregnancies and one baby). I have just shared them to the fertility forum I used to frequent when I was in the IVF trenches, as they will undoubtedly be very useful overviews, especially to those new to the process and feeling overwhelmed. All your episodes are fascinating and entertaining but these (and the endo one from a couple of years back) feel like a public service. Keep up the good work Erins!!

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